Tag Archives: dresses


Bride in crisis

Photo credit: Dave and Charlotte Wedding Photographers

What do you do when it’s 7 weeks before your wedding and you find out your tailor has done an utterly bad job with your bridesmaid dresses. Break down, become a bridezilla, find another tailor or buy off the rack? Bridelicious is currently in crisis mode and needs a plan B: buy off the rack or change the entire colour theme.

If this ever happens to you (hopefully not), just breathe and manifest. It’ll all turn out fine.



Wedding Fashion

Dresses delivered to your doorstep

Too lazy to go out and love internet shopping? Thanks to Shopbop’s new online wedding boutique, you can buy your entire wedding outfit with just one click and have it delivered right to your doorstep. You’ve got pretty frocks, sexy lingerie, chic shoes and even stylish bridesmaid dresses. Your girlfriends will be forever grateful. To add to that, you’ve got wedding specialists to help you with your order. Who said wedding outfit searching was difficult?

Photo credits: Shopbop

Wedding Fashion

Bargain Dresses. Barbaric Brides.

It’s like a scene out of the chick-flicks, Shopaholic meets Bride Wars. Girls queue up for hours, they scream and sprint as soon as the doors open, grab as many dresses they see and don’t care that they’re acting barbaric, all for the sake of their bargain dream dress. Every year, a Boston discount clothing store runs a wedding dress sale which all too often, brings out the bridezilla in the chicks. Whatever happened to acting like a lady? Do you really want to be one of those brides that morphs into a b*tch in a matter of minutes?

It’s ugly. It’s unstylish. It brings out the worst in us.


Wedding Fashion

Vera Wang…I adore.

The Delaney. One of my favourite dresses. Photo from The Wedding Shop

I know this may not apply to those living in Hong Kong, but who knows, perhaps you happen to be in London this weekend? If you are, you’re one lucky gal. The wedding shop in Selfridges is having its closing down sale and they’re slashing the prices. You can get a Vera Wang dress for as low as £425 (that’s roughly HKD5,400 for you Hong Kong gals out there). It’s almost worth buying a plane ticket just to get your dream dress.