I’m all for DIY. Just like the Beatles’ song ‘Can’t Buy Me Love’, the personal aspect of a hand-made product is something that money can’t buy. In the materialistic city that we live in, many crave for the latest and most expensive gadget or handbag, but if you’re simply buying for the sake of celebrating an event, be it your wedding or your anniversary, can you really say you’ve put much thought into it? Two decades down the line, will you remember that your other half got you an iPad for your 1st wedding anniversary? Give something meaningful, sentimental and thoughtful. Who knows, you may have touched your hubby or wifey’s heart so much, they might just shed a tear when they see your creation. I did when I saw the hubster’s work of art which I’ll keep a secret.
Here’s a sneak peek at Bridelicious’ DIY Map of Vows. Keep a lookout for tomorrow’s post where I’ll be giving you a step-by-step guide so you can create your own too! Wow that special someone.
Photo credit: Bridelicious