If Carrie Bradshaw’s boutique-sized walkin wardrobe in Sex and the City is only but a dream for you and you’ve gone way over your wedding budget, it might be wise to sell your wedding dress and evening gowns on the second hand market (of course, only after you’ve tied the knot), unless it has significant sentimental value or you want to pass it down the generations. Likewise, if you’re one of those eco-friendly chicks who’s not bothered about wearing ‘something new’ (no one will even know it’s a used dress!), then you may want to give Recycled Bride or Designer Gowns HK some serious thought.
Both websites are essentially a marketplace for Mr. & Mrs.-to-be and those who’ve already signed on the dotted line, to buy and sell wedding related items. This means if you’re a buyer, you can save money and if you’re a seller, you can earn. It’s a win-win situation. Designer Gowns HK is Hong Kong based and charges a 7% fee with a cap at HKD500, whilst Recycled Bride is an international portal that’s completely free. You read right, it doesn’t cost you a dime to sign up. The terms of sale and prices are entirely your choice so act now. Your hubby can’t complain that you’re wasting money now can he?