Category Archives: Speeches

Bridesmaids Speeches

Maid of Honour Speech.


Photo Credit: Renai Photography via Dexknows

You’ve just been asked by your best friend to be her MOH. You’re over the moon and honoured to be her supporting rock throughout the planning process and standing by her side on the day but wait, you’ve also got to prepare a speech?! Traditionally it was only the Father of the Bride, the Groom and the Best Man who were given that daunting task but MOH speeches are becoming increasingly popular. Obviously if you’re a natural public speaker, you’re going to sail through it but if you’re starting to sweat and hyperventilate just at the thought of having to make that speech, here’s a few tips to get your creative juices flowing.

It’s important to get your speech written down so you’ve at least got a piece of paper to rely on and be your comfort blanket. The structure:

1. Introduce yourself. Just because you’re the MOH doesn’t mean everyone will know who you are.

2. Thank the couple for asking you to be part of the wedding party. They’re the very reason why you’re standing there in front of people you don’t know, trying not to shake and making sure everyone can hear you. Don’t forget to also congratulate them and how beautiful the couple look together!

3. Talk about your relationship with the bride, how you became BFFs and give anecdotes about her e.g. a funny story while you were growing up, a funny habit that she has, embarrassing stories about her (keep it appropriate because if you upset the bride, she can take your BFF status away instantly).

4. Say something about the groom. Be nice because if you’re single, he can hook you up with his friends. Otherwise, say bye-bye to your chances.

5. Comment about the wedding e.g. how beautiful the decorations are, how much you love the personal touches (if any!). Even if the decor is truly hideous (which hopefully is not the case), try to sound positive.

6. Say some words of advice to the happy couple, be it about relationships, starting a family or learning to compromise.

7. Congratulate the newlyweds again and wish them a happy marriage.

8. Finally end with a toast. Drink up.

This is an example of a good speech. Short, sweet with a dash of humour. Now start brainstorming.

Groom Groomsmen Speeches Uncategorized

The Speech (Part II)

Here comes the tricky part. What does one talk about if you’re not suppose to crack too many jokes yet maintain a sense of humour in your speech AND keep it short?

Photo credit: Jaime Delaine Photography

Father of the Bride

  • Thank all the guests for attending the celebrations and in particular, those who’ve had to endure hours cramped on a plane or train just to witness the lovebirds exchange their vows. If there’s only a few out-of-town guests, give them a special nod. They’ll be touched.
  • Welcome your new son-in-law and his immediate family into yours and thank them for accepting your daughter into theirs (even if she can be a pain sometimes!). Be gracious about it, and let any differences in political views be forgotten.
  • Now’s the time to share 1-2 interesting stories about the bride (remember, nothing too embarrassing). You can tease her on her personality but don’t go overboard (that means, no ex-boyfriends). After all, it’s her big day and you should be proud of all that she’s achieved.
  • Mention about how you’ve gotten to know your son-in-law and how glad you are to call him your son.
  • Add your words of wisdom on a successful marriage but steer clear from giving a lecture.
  • However, be a man and don’t let your emotions get the better of you. Yes, it’s an emotional day to see your girl grown up and now a wife but think about your guests…where will their heads turn when you’re crying uncontrollably?
  • Wish the newly-weds a happy marriage. Raise your glasses!


  • There’s a lot of thanking in the speeches. Hey, your guests took their time to share in your special day. The least you can do is to give them your heartfelt thank you.
  • Thank your new family for making you feel so welcome and for letting you marry their lovely daughter (awwww).
  • Most importantly, you must express how happy you are to have found the girl of your dreams, how lucky you are and how you can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with her.
  • Now you can breathe again and start drinking!

Best Man

  • This is the part everyone’s been waiting for. The pressure is on you to make it memorable – we all expect you to be funny.
  • Start by thanking the groom (AND the Bride) for allowing you the honour to be his right-hand man. Not everyone gets this opportunity.
  • Thank the hosts of the wedding, be it the parents or the couple. It’s a nice gesture.
  • It’s now your chance to take a jab at the groom and spill his embarrassing stories. Don’t mention anything to do with the stag though – that motto ‘whatever happens on tour, stays on tour’ applies to the stag until the day you die. Use props if you have to; videos and photos will help bring your story to life.
  • Last but not least, remember you’ll get married in the future (if you’re single!) so what you say in your speech may just backfire on you one day.
Bridesmaids Groom Groomsmen Speeches

The Speech (Part I)

Speeches. The groom, the best man, the father’s most dreaded part of the wedding. How do you ensure that guests (including the bride herself!) are listening and are not hitting the snooze button?

Photo credits (clockwise from top-left): Solar Photography, Shooting Hip, James Davison Photography, Brian Mullins Photography

1. Keep them short and sweet. Don’t go on a 30-minute spiel about how proud you are of your little girl, how much you love your wife or how lucky the groom is to have found ‘the one’. Unless you’re a professional stand-up comedian, anything more than 5 minutes will activate the yawning process.

2. Tradition has it that the order of speeches goes; Father of the Bride, Groom, Best Man. Try to stagger the speeches between the courses to keep the guests’ attention rolling. The downside though is that any speeches after the main course may be overshadowed by drunkenness and slurring (example from Bridelicious’ own wedding banquet in HK as the groom and the guests had one too many tequila shots!). Having said that, when you want the speeches to be made and their order is entirely your call.

3. Avoid any sensitive or touchy topics that might make the Bride hate you (Groom, that includes you and don’t think you’ll get away just because you’ve signed the papers). Basically anything that she doesn’t want ANYONE to know.

4. Project your voice and speak clearly if you don’t have a microphone. You don’t want to stare at a room of confused faces (they’ll be too polite to tell you to pro.nun.ciate.)

5.  You can be soppy but you also don’t want guests running to the ladies or gents to throw up their dinner. Give your speech a lighthearted touch.

6. Avoid excessive use of jokes. Friends and family members are only laughing to calm your nerves.

7. Finally, end the speech with a toast to the happy couple. Any excuse to take a swig of the bubbly!